How LiveLonger Began! -“POSSESSION BY A CARTOON CHARACTER” and The LiveLonger HaPPyFest!
/in BLOg POSTs, Did Ja Know /by livelongerDid ja Know? …This is a good WATCH for Veggie-eatin’ folks
/in BLOg POSTs, Did Ja Know /by livelongerI ran across this feller, Derek Simnett and his channel and had to share! I am new to the “only veggie-eatin” way. I reckon most peeps call’em vegans but I don’t like labels at all. I just want to do the best thing for my health and body…in every way! This video will HELP you I believe. CHECK it out! It’s a great WATCH! 🙂

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Guntersville, AL 35976
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