Results of the LiveLonger HaPPyFest!
June 7, 2019/by livelonger
How LiveLonger Began! -“POSSESSION BY A CARTOON CHARACTER” and The LiveLonger HaPPyFest!
December 4, 2018/by livelonger
Did ja Know? …Sauerkraut is our Friend! – Learnin’ Lessons From a CaveMan!
Starr and I have FOUND a supplier of the B E S T sauerkraut this…
October 6, 2018/by livelonger
Did ja Know? …Starr had PERFECT Attendance for 17 Years! AMAZING STORY! -by Kristina Rogers (aka “Starr Livelonger”)
When I was in kindergarten I can remember looking over at an…
August 29, 2018/by livelonger
Did ja Know? …You can Love WHO YOU ARE!
Starr and I came across this video not long ago while on our…
May 28, 2018/by livelonger
Let’s Think Outside The Box
A quick nudge to think outside the BOX:
Go outside and look…
March 28, 2018/by livelongerGo outside and look…

Did ja know? …Eating LOCAL is SMART!
Did ja know, eating LOCAL is SMART? A bunch of moons ago, after…
March 19, 2018/by livelonger
Did ja Know? …You Have MANY more OPTiONS if you have cancer!
Do you have lil’ “c” cancer? I call it that because I’m…
November 16, 2017/by livelonger
Did ja Know? …YOGA, a proper way to REMOVE YOUR HEAD FROM YOUR DONKEY!
As Starr & I were researchin' and tryin' to find a WORTHY…
November 12, 2017/by livelonger
Did ja Know? …This is a good WATCH for Veggie-eatin’ folks
I ran across this feller, Derek Simnett and his channel and had…
September 30, 2017/by livelonger