This category is all about eatin yur veggies and the WHY behind it. MEAT or VEGGIES? Which one is REALLY the BEST? Let’s find out tOgEtHeR! :-)

Did ja Know? …You can Love WHO YOU ARE!

Starr and I came across this video not long ago while on our lil’ journey to feeling better and being better…(which we are still skipping down).  I watch allot of YouTube because it has an endless supply of information and knowledge.  Just use wisdom and discretion when listening.  Hear the heart of what’s being said and you’ll always see the motive or the “why” it’s being said (That was a free tip with no charge lol).   Life is full of free tips if ya want to learn!  The “IF” in  “want to learn” is the largest word in that phrase.  I LOVE LEARNING because I want to LIVE LONGER!  Do you?



Love Who You Are

(The title, “Love Who You Are” is The Farm of Life’s motto and I like it.)


Check out our new discovery and see if it resonates with you and where you are going in your life.  Starr and I are about living longer and spreading the LiveLonger™ message so that all of us…People, Pets & Planet can all Live Longer.  That’s what it’s all about, RIGHT? …TO LOVE WHO YOU ARE enough that you feed yourself good and positive things in every aspect of your life.  You grow and then you share that positive experience with someone else so they can enjoy.  You share it by LIVING IT!

Life is a constant exchanging of energy, either positive or negative.  We exchange energy with people, animals and plants.

They help us and we help them.

We give them LIFE and they give us LIFE.

Cool, ey?


I love it because it’s all sooooo perfect and it works so B-E-A-U-tifully!


Now ENJOY this Amazing Farm Tour at the Farm of Life in Costa Rica.


live longer


You can bet your booty britches Starr and I will be attending this lil’ treasure on Earth.


Also, VISIT www.LiveLonger.Life too see