How LiveLonger Began! -“POSSESSION BY A CARTOON CHARACTER” and The LiveLonger HaPPyFest!
/in BLOg POSTs, Did Ja Know /by livelongerDid ja Know? …Sauerkraut is our Friend! – Learnin’ Lessons From a CaveMan!
/in BLOg POSTs, Did Ja Know /by livelongerStarr and I have FOUND a supplier of the B E S T sauerkraut this side of the Great Mississippi and most likely a far piece past it!
Do you like SAUERKRAUT? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
If so then you must call ole’ Anthony and order some of his “CaveMan Fixin’s” Home-made sauerkraut. He makes it in a churn and it’s TOP SECRET on how he prepares it. It is the BEST tasting kraut I’ve ever tasted. It’s mild but and sooooo yummy and nothing like the store-bought stuff.
Is sauerkraut good for you? I didn’t REALIZE how healthy sauerkraut was until I read up on it!
Did ja Know? Sauerkraut helps our bodies in many ways and thanks to Dr. Axe, the KNOWLEDGE is out there! We like spreadin’ LiveLonger knowledge from everywhere so please check out all the WonDeRfuL things about sauerkraut from Dr. Axe:
- Reduced overall inflammation (both in and out of the GI tract)
- Improvement of digestive disorders like leaky gut syndrome, ulcerative colitis, IBS and pouchitis
- Improved immunity
- Better nutrient absorption
- Prevention and treatment of diarrhea
- Prevention and symptom reduction of food allergies, including lactose intolerance, milk protein allergy and others
- Improvement of high blood pressure
- Reduced risk of cancer
- Alleviation of arthritis inflammation (rheumatoid arthritis and chronic juvenile arthritis)
- Reduction of eczema symptoms
- Lowered cholesterol
- Protection against H. pylori infection
- Better immune response in HIV/AIDS patients
- Improved vaginal health and prevention of bacterial infections like UTIs and bacterial vaginosis
- Natural remedy for the liver/brain disease hepatic encephalopathy
See the Video of Matthew & Krissy fetchin’ some fresh sauerkraut for Igbert & Starr.
CONTACT Anthony at “Anthony’s CaveMan Fixin’s” right here:
Anthony Ikard
The BeST GReeN StuFF I ever DranK!!! – Markus Rothkranz Turbo-PoWered GReeN PoWder!
/in Did Ja Know /by livelongerOk, I admit, I am an avid YouTube surfer and SO ARE YOU TOO probably! I find allot of good info on YT. Igbert has me listening to all kinds of stuff like the importance of Mitochondria, how to practice self healing and Chakra reading and tons of really cooool instructional videos I always get caught up in. One really groovy couple I saw and have been following for quiet awhile now has some AWESOME knowledge to SHARE ….Markus Rothkranz and Cara Brotman. You can find their YouTube channel by clicking HERE!
That’s part of what LiveLonger™ is all about…spreading knowledge and sharing good information about HOW to Help People, Pets & Planet LiveLonger and HaPPier!
In all my uncovering of GOOD KNOWLEDGE, I of course want to share all that I find …thus the reason for this BLOG. When you find an answer it always feels good to share it with friends doesn’t it?
I’ve been taking Markus Rothkranz’s Wild Force Green Formula for several months now and can tell a difference in energy level and just all around health. In order to really appreciate this really gRoOvY and WiLD formula you need to know what’s in it and why it’s potent. Here are 3 GREAT reasons to try it out and ENJOY it’s benefits:

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1220 A Rayburn Ave
Guntersville, AL 35976
(256) 347-1942