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Did ja Know? …Sauerkraut is our Friend! – Learnin’ Lessons From a CaveMan!
/in BLOg POSTs, Did Ja KnowStarr and I have FOUND a supplier of the B E S T sauerkraut this side of the Great Mississippi and most likely a far piece past it! Do you like SAUERKRAUT? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? If so then you […]
The BeST GReeN StuFF I ever DranK!!! – Markus Rothkranz Turbo-PoWered GReeN PoWder!
/in Did Ja KnowOk, I admit, I am an avid YouTube surfer and SO ARE YOU TOO probably! I find allot of good info on YT. Igbert has me listening to all kinds of stuff like the importance of Mitochondria, how to practice self healing and Chakra reading and tons of really cooool instructional videos I always get […]

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