How LiveLonger Began! -“POSSESSION BY A CARTOON CHARACTER” and The LiveLonger HaPPyFest!
/in BLOg POSTs, Did Ja Know /by livelongerDid ja Know? …Sauerkraut is our Friend! – Learnin’ Lessons From a CaveMan!
/in BLOg POSTs, Did Ja Know /by livelongerStarr and I have FOUND a supplier of the B E S T sauerkraut this side of the Great Mississippi and most likely a far piece past it!
Do you like SAUERKRAUT? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
If so then you must call ole’ Anthony and order some of his “CaveMan Fixin’s” Home-made sauerkraut. He makes it in a churn and it’s TOP SECRET on how he prepares it. It is the BEST tasting kraut I’ve ever tasted. It’s mild but and sooooo yummy and nothing like the store-bought stuff.
Is sauerkraut good for you? I didn’t REALIZE how healthy sauerkraut was until I read up on it!
Did ja Know? Sauerkraut helps our bodies in many ways and thanks to Dr. Axe, the KNOWLEDGE is out there! We like spreadin’ LiveLonger knowledge from everywhere so please check out all the WonDeRfuL things about sauerkraut from Dr. Axe:
- Reduced overall inflammation (both in and out of the GI tract)
- Improvement of digestive disorders like leaky gut syndrome, ulcerative colitis, IBS and pouchitis
- Improved immunity
- Better nutrient absorption
- Prevention and treatment of diarrhea
- Prevention and symptom reduction of food allergies, including lactose intolerance, milk protein allergy and others
- Improvement of high blood pressure
- Reduced risk of cancer
- Alleviation of arthritis inflammation (rheumatoid arthritis and chronic juvenile arthritis)
- Reduction of eczema symptoms
- Lowered cholesterol
- Protection against H. pylori infection
- Better immune response in HIV/AIDS patients
- Improved vaginal health and prevention of bacterial infections like UTIs and bacterial vaginosis
- Natural remedy for the liver/brain disease hepatic encephalopathy
See the Video of Matthew & Krissy fetchin’ some fresh sauerkraut for Igbert & Starr.
CONTACT Anthony at “Anthony’s CaveMan Fixin’s” right here:
Anthony Ikard
The BeST GReeN StuFF I ever DranK!!! – Markus Rothkranz Turbo-PoWered GReeN PoWder!
/in Did Ja Know /by livelongerOk, I admit, I am an avid YouTube surfer and SO ARE YOU TOO probably! I find allot of good info on YT. Igbert has me listening to all kinds of stuff like the importance of Mitochondria, how to practice self healing and Chakra reading and tons of really cooool instructional videos I always get caught up in. One really groovy couple I saw and have been following for quiet awhile now has some AWESOME knowledge to SHARE ….Markus Rothkranz and Cara Brotman. You can find their YouTube channel by clicking HERE!
That’s part of what LiveLonger™ is all about…spreading knowledge and sharing good information about HOW to Help People, Pets & Planet LiveLonger and HaPPier!
In all my uncovering of GOOD KNOWLEDGE, I of course want to share all that I find …thus the reason for this BLOG. When you find an answer it always feels good to share it with friends doesn’t it?
I’ve been taking Markus Rothkranz’s Wild Force Green Formula for several months now and can tell a difference in energy level and just all around health. In order to really appreciate this really gRoOvY and WiLD formula you need to know what’s in it and why it’s potent. Here are 3 GREAT reasons to try it out and ENJOY it’s benefits:
Did ja Know? …Starr had PERFECT Attendance for 17 Years! AMAZING STORY! -by Kristina Rogers (aka “Starr Livelonger”)
/in BLOg POSTs, Did Ja Know /by livelongerWhen I was in kindergarten I can remember looking over at an empty desk or mat and thinking “how in the world can they miss school” or “why do their parents let them”? It was never an option for me to stay home from school. Looking back now, I was only sick twice that I can recall. Once when I was four years old I was in the hospital in the middle of summer for pneumonia and then again when I was in the first grade when I got chicken pox during Christmas Break. Later I learned that I was exposed to the virus on purpose when my sister had chickenpox 2-3 weeks before I got them. When it came time for me to have my medical/dental checkups, my mother always scheduled them after school or she would check me out early from school…. and by early I mean she would pick me up at 2:00 pm when school let out at 2:15 pm.
Anyway, during awards day for the end of my kindergarten year the school gave out a certificate of recognition for students having “Perfect Attendance” for which my distant cousin, Tiffany, and I both received a certificate. To obtain this certificate, you had to attend school every day the doors were open and stay the entire day, or if you were checked out and it was after 1 pm then it didn’t count as an absence or have to be made up. I believe that was the spark that started the “perfect attendance fire” in my mother. It wasn’t like half of the class got this recognition, just the two of us. And no we didn’t get anything but a piece of paper, but it was a piece of paper my mother wanted me to have every year. So did Tiffany’s mom.
So year after year passed by and I still maintained the multiple years of perfect attendance, and without doubt, I received that piece of paper at the end of every year as usual. So did Tiffany.
High school started and I ate, drank, and slept cheer leading and gymnastics, especially my junior and senior years in high school when we started competitive cheer leading along with cheering for the football and basketball teams. We practiced for a few hours after school and then I would come home and practice more. I would do my homework and go to bed. My mother would wake me up for school and I would be so tired from practicing and studying that I just wanted to say “I’m not going to school today” or “I’m sick or tired and I’m staying home” but never did because I had to get the “perfect attendance” certificate at the end of the year. So did tiffany.
Graduation from high school was 6 months away, and yes I still had my “perfect attendance” record going in full force. My college advisors also told me along with my grades, it is a recognition I can proudly put on a resume and it is very impressive to the person reading the resume. So I continued on as usual.
In November of my senior year, I came home from practice and my mother wasn’t there, so I thought she was at the store or shopping with her sister. A little later that evening, my dad walked in and told me that my mother had had a stroke and that they also found Stage 4 Breast Cancer on one of the scans and that she was going to be in the hospital for at least a month. My dad stayed with my mother most of the time, and my sister worked night shift so I was at home by myself for a while along with going back and forth to see her in the hospital which was 50 miles away.
I was 18 years old and at home alone a lot for that month that my mother and dad were at the hospital. It was so tempting to stay home from school, but I woke up every morning without fail and went to school. Most kids would have taken full advantage of the situation and stay home from school a couple days, but it never crossed my mind. I went on to school, practice, studied, and to went see my mother as usual.
She came home and her life was forever changed as she was now severely disabled, and depended on others to help her with basic daily living activities. She just urged me to keep doing what I was doing and that she was fine and well cared for by my dad and other family members. So I did. I went to school every day and then cheer practice as usual. Soon football and basketball season ended, we competed in Nationals and sadly cheerleading ended and graduation time was here.
Awards day finally came and I received my last “perfect attendance” certificate. So did tiffany. But unlike Tiffany, along with my certificate also came $3,000 worth of scholarship money. My mother was there, unable to walk, watching me from the car on the outside school track for which we received special permission for her to do in able to see me get that last “perfect attendance” piece of a paper. She was smiling.
Twelve years of Perfect Attendance and Top Ten Academically in my class. WOW!!!
I was and still am very proud of myself for my accomplishments. Never once did I say in my head “I only do this for my mother” or “I only did this because she made me”. She made me believe I could do this all on my own, in her own quiet way. She didn’t program me, or beat, yell or threaten me to go to school, I went because I wanted too and I also had that moral of “sticking with something until it is completed to ultimate satisfaction” instilled inside of me. She never made me get up and demand I go to school, but I made the choice to go without argue even if I wasn’t 100%. I never argued with adults, it wasn’t allowed, and that is a moral that is not instilled in most of the current youth.
My mother wasn’t my friend, she was my mother and she played her role in rearing me into what I am today. She could have cared less if I liked her when she told me to get out of bed 10 times that one morning, she wasn’t there to be my friend, she was there to mold and teach me.
My mother and I became friends before she died. We shared secrets about boys and her life, but when she died she knew I would still continue with “perfect attendance” with or without a piece of paper or her.
She died during the break between winter and spring semesters. Even when she was in a coma, she wasn’t going to be a reason for me to miss college. She waited until the time was right.
I continued on with perfect attendance through my one year of pre-requisites for nursing school and then 1 year of Nursing School. ( You ask why one year….. that is another story ha-ha) , then when I re-enrolled in the Nursing Program, I again had perfect attendance for 2 more long, hard, stressful years and graduated second academically in my Nursing School class. It was easy, it was my nature. My mother instilled respectful morals in me that show through to this day. My mother instilled a healthy competitive nature in me and I never knew it until years after she died. I thank her for that every day.
Later on I realized I wasn’t in competition with Tiffany, but with myself to complete goals that less than 4% of the nation completes. It is a rare feat, but I did it. So did Tiffany.
Strive for your HIGHEST YOU!
Check out www.LiveLonger.Life to get your LiveLonger TEE now to HELP Igbert & Starr spread a PoSioTiVe message across the land!
Let’s Think Outside The Box
/in BLOg POSTs, Did Ja Know /by livelongerA quick nudge to think outside the BOX:
Go outside and look around for the best place to DIG & PLANT. You need good morning sunlight and some afternoon sun too. If not then you can always CREATE a gRoOvY container garden in pots or boxes. Just as long as you have SUN, WATER & NUTRIENTS…and of course a seed will help too 🙂 I Challenge you to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX and go…
from this…
to this… 
Start swapping one or two food items that you get in a box or can to a fresh whole food like vegetables. THE CHALLENGE IS ON!!!
JOIN the LiveLonger REVOLUTION and HELP spread the LiveLonger MESSAGE!!!
BE a Human BiLLBoard!!! …. Help Igbert, Starr and the LiveLonger crew SPREAD LiveLonger Awareness across the LAND so we can all LEARN how to ….. LIVE LONGER!!!
Did ja know? …Eating LOCAL is SMART!
/in BLOg POSTs, Did Ja Know /by livelongerDid ja know, eating LOCAL is SMART? A bunch of moons ago, after coming home with a car-load full of artificial preservatives that probably came from a land far away, I had an epiphany. WHY IN THE NAME OF BESSIE’S GOAT AM I DOING THIS? That’s a blog in itself, no doubt. I realized I hated that part of myself, allowing anything in my body as well as my kiddos and my critter peeps. It seemed as though a light had SmAcKeD me upside the head. What happened is that I saw a truth and it started to change me, ever so gradually. When I know something to be truth to me then it gradually becomes truth in me.
I believe the basics are the easiest place to start and what’s more basic than WHAT WE PUT INSIDE our carcass? …FOOD!!!
After a while I began to think more like, “FOOD is MEDICINE” than just “food is good”. Also, when gathering our food, the BEST place to start is in our BACKYARDS, thus “Eat Local, Buy Local, GROW A GARDEN!”
ANOTHER ALSO, we believe that spreading LiveLonger knowledge is the MOST EFFECTIVE way to see change in our beautiful world! …and what’s the BEST way to spread a POSITIVE message than what we WEAR everyday? Around here, we call’em Human BiLLBoards! T-shirts are Human BiLLBoards my friends…yes, Human BiLLBoards.
We also don’t know everything and “more minds are better than one” so we get permission from other cool & gRoOvY, peeps (like the ever-most ingenious and creative Emily) to share their blogs and we SHARE KNOWLEDGE. Without further ado, LEARN why it’s so smart to EAT LOCAL and 8 reasons to eat local foods.
Emily with has it figured out for sure.
Iggy wuz here!
As a smart person I always add my hashtags at the end as not to annoy you with their ugliness. 🙂
#LiveLonger #LiveLongerRevolution #EatLocalBuyLocalGrowaGarden #EatLocal #BuyLocal #GROWAGARDEN #HolisticSquid #8ReasonsToEatLocal #LiveLongerTees #LiveLongerAwareness #LiveLongerKnowledge
Did ja Know? …You Have MANY more OPTiONS if you have cancer!
/in BLOg POSTs, Did Ja Know /by livelongerDo you have lil’ “c” cancer? I call it that because I’m stripping it of any power it has at all. It has no right to start with a capital letter nor the power! So if you have been diagnosed with cancer then pleeeeeze go here and gather HOPE and COURAGE and HELP! There is HELP and there is LIFE ahead!
Igbert wuz here!
Did ja Know? …YOGA, a proper way to REMOVE YOUR HEAD FROM YOUR DONKEY!
/in BLOg POSTs, Did Ja Know /by livelongerAs Starr & I were researchin’ and tryin’ to find a WORTHY website on where to find “YOGA classes near you”, it was very LABORiOUS but we finally found one! Also, if ya search and do not find a class that ya know exists near you then please list it so all will know. 🙂
Here is what we found and we ENCOURAGE you to CHALLENGE yourself and FIND a class near ya and G O G E T Y O U R S T R E TC H O N !!!! If you don’t see anything in your area then call your local Recreation center, Senior center or maybe the Chamber of Commerce. The point is to GO and GET STARTED if you’ve been aimin’ to anywayz. 🙂
Check it out HERE!
Did ja Know? …This is a good WATCH for Veggie-eatin’ folks
/in BLOg POSTs, Did Ja Know /by livelongerI ran across this feller, Derek Simnett and his channel and had to share! I am new to the “only veggie-eatin” way. I reckon most peeps call’em vegans but I don’t like labels at all. I just want to do the best thing for my health and body…in every way! This video will HELP you I believe. CHECK it out! It’s a great WATCH! 🙂

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1220 A Rayburn Ave
Guntersville, AL 35976
(256) 347-1942