About livelonger
Hi, Igbert & Starr here! We've got a passion and a "hankering" to search out as many ways & ideers that will help People, Pets & Planet live as long and happy as possible!
We see so many good folks and our precious critter peeps (pets) that live unhappy and short lives and we want to CHANGE that...by SHARING with people what helps us all Live Longer! (Mostly a positive attitude)...So we SPREAD a Positive Live Longer message via T-SHIRTS or Human Billboards as we call them. HELP spread a POSITIVE message and be a HUMAN BILLBOARD!!! Help Igbert & Starr spread Live Longer Knowledge across the land!
Entries by livelonger
Did ja Know? …Sauerkraut is our Friend! – Learnin’ Lessons From a CaveMan!
October 6, 2018 in BLOg POSTs, Did Ja Know /by livelongerStarr and I have FOUND a supplier of the B E S T sauerkraut this side of the Great Mississippi and most likely a far piece past it! Do you like SAUERKRAUT? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? If so then you […]
The BeST GReeN StuFF I ever DranK!!! – Markus Rothkranz Turbo-PoWered GReeN PoWder!
September 18, 2018 in Did Ja Know /by livelongerOk, I admit, I am an avid YouTube surfer and SO ARE YOU TOO probably! I find allot of good info on YT. Igbert has me listening to all kinds of stuff like the importance of Mitochondria, how to practice self healing and Chakra reading and tons of really cooool instructional videos I always get […]
Did ja Know? …Starr had PERFECT Attendance for 17 Years! AMAZING STORY! -by Kristina Rogers (aka “Starr Livelonger”)
August 29, 2018 in BLOg POSTs, Did Ja Know /by livelongerWhen I was in kindergarten I can remember looking over at an empty desk or mat and thinking “how in the world can they miss school” or “why do their parents let them”? It was never an option for me to stay home from school. Looking back now, I was only sick twice that I […]
Did ja Know? …You can Love WHO YOU ARE!
May 28, 2018 in "VEGGIE EATIN" and VEGAN ADVICE, BLOg POSTs, Retreats/Seminars that help all LiveLonger /by livelongerStarr and I came across this video not long ago while on our lil’ journey to feeling better and being better…(which we are still skipping down). I watch allot of YouTube because it has an endless supply of information and knowledge. Just use wisdom and discretion when listening. Hear the heart of what’s being said […]
Let’s Think Outside The Box
March 28, 2018 in BLOg POSTs, Did Ja Know /by livelongerA quick nudge to think outside the BOX: Go outside and look around for the best place to DIG & PLANT. You need good morning sunlight and some afternoon sun too. If not then you can always CREATE a gRoOvY container garden in pots or boxes. Just as long as you have SUN, WATER & NUTRIENTS…and […]
Did ja know? …Eating LOCAL is SMART!
March 19, 2018 in BLOg POSTs, Did Ja Know /by livelongerDid ja know, eating LOCAL is SMART? A bunch of moons ago, after coming home with a car-load full of artificial preservatives that probably came from a land far away, I had an epiphany. WHY IN THE NAME OF BESSIE’S GOAT AM I DOING THIS? That’s a blog in itself, no doubt. I realized I […]
Did ja Know? …You Have MANY more OPTiONS if you have cancer!
November 16, 2017 in BLOg POSTs, Did Ja Know /by livelongerDo you have lil’ “c” cancer? I call it that because I’m stripping it of any power it has at all. It has no right to start with a capital letter nor the power! So if you have been diagnosed with cancer then pleeeeeze go here and gather HOPE and COURAGE and HELP! There is […]
Did ja Know? …YOGA, a proper way to REMOVE YOUR HEAD FROM YOUR DONKEY!
November 12, 2017 in BLOg POSTs, Did Ja Know /by livelongerAs Starr & I were researchin’ and tryin’ to find a WORTHY website on where to find “YOGA classes near you”, it was very LABORiOUS but we finally found one! Also, if ya search and do not find a class that ya know exists near you then please list it so all will know. 🙂 […]

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1220 A Rayburn Ave
Guntersville, AL 35976
(256) 347-1942